Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: nistered Replacement hydrocortisone can be adm nd 10mg intwice daily in doses of 20mg on waking a eplacementthe early evening in patients who need ol obtained for ACTH deficiency, The levels of cortis e of serum should be monitored by assessing a profi ined via cortisol in multiple samples that are obte 7, since the an indwelling needle throughout the da 5 to 60mg needs of individual patients vary from 1 uring a daily. Oral therapy should be increased d ery, febrile illness and, with vomiting or sur ally, In hydrocortisone should be given parenter roid card such situations it is prudent to issue a st it (or and instruct patients to wear a MedicAle placementequivalent) bracelet. Mineralocorticoid r n is not is unnecessary since aldosterone secretic ACTH dependent.